The Hosted Agent Program provides an elevated event experience while enabling a more cost-effective means for agents and agency principals to attend Medicarians Vegas 2025.
Those approved to participate will receive a complimentary All-Access Pass to Medicarians Vegas, along with agent-only learning and networking opportunities.
The Hosted Agent Program was created as a way to help increase connectivity between agents and our sponsors while simultaneously decreasing the cost burden to attend for agents. Hosted Agents earn their complimentary ticket by agreeing to attend at least one roundtable conversation or breakout session led by a designated Hosted Agent Sponsor.
Approximately two weeks prior to the start of Medicarians Vegas 2025, approved Hosted Agents will receive access to a special portal where they will view and select the companies with whom they have an interest in meeting. Our team will both provide a detailed overview as well as be on hand to answer questions during this process.
Complimentary All-Access Pass to Medicarians Vegas 2025
(Retail Price $2095)
Individual Hosted Agent Responsibilities
Team Hosted Agent Pass
Includes all benefits of Individual Hosted Agent Plus:
Team Hosted Agent Responsibilities
If you are an agent or agency principal but would prefer to not join as a Hosted Agent, you may qualify for a deeply discounted All-Access Pass to Medicarians 2025 at a rate instead!
Paid All-Access Pass:
Do Hosted Agents still have access to all the same experiences as those who have a paid ticket?
Yes. Hosted Agents have the same access as those who purchased a ticket.
What does meeting with sponsors entail?
Approximately two weeks prior to the start of the event, Hosted Agents will receive access to an interface that lists our sponsors and information about the sponsors. Within the interface, Hosted Agents can learn more about select sponsors and will also choose the ones they have an interest in meeting.
Is there a limit to the number of sponsors one can select?
There is no maximum number of sponsors Hosted Agents can select. We do, however, recommend selecting more than the minimum to ensure the best chance of meeting the program requirements.
Do sponsor meetings happen at the conference?
Yes. The meetings would take place at the conference. Hosted Agents will schedule them as works best for their schedule.
After selections are made but prior to the start of the event, our team will connect Hosted Agents with the appropriate sponsor staff.
Are there any discounted hotel rooms available?
We have secured a limited number of discounted rooms at the host hotels for attendees beginning Sunday, March 30th and departing Thursday, April 3rd. The deadline to book your room is March 14th, 2025 or as long as rooms last, whichever comes first.